Hazel Sanghi Park
MSRED Candidate 2025
Contact Info
Seoul, South Korea
B.A. Space design, Ewha Womans University
Hazel joins MIT with six years of experience in commercial real estate development and retail space planning. As a senior design analyst at CJ CGV, Hazel has pioneered tenant configuration and spatial experience in off-line retail spaces by launching premium cinema brands and converging various leisure content with cinema.
She took another leap to a business strategy manager at a contemporary real estate developer in the spotlight. In recognition of successful launching of a new business model, she was appointed as a chief strategy officer at a spin-off corporation. Hazel established and developed an O2O platform service that matches commercial brands and optimized spaces to harmonize the tenant configuration of commercial districts. This opportunity expanded her perspective as a director and made her aspire to dive into in-depth study of the real estate industry as an entrepreneur.
Through the MSRED program, Hazel is eager to enlighten the solutions to renovate the conventional market and broaden her insight as a promising real estate developer. After completing the program, she intends to lead development projects, especially in the healthcare sector. Her ultimate vision is to achieve a sustainable and reasonable real estate structure where interested parties coexist in harmony.