MIT World Real Estate Forum connects people and critical issues
Kicking off MIT Center for Real Estate’s 40th Anniversary, the 2024 MIT World Real Estate Forum (June 17+18) brought together 300 industry leaders, policymakers, researchers, and academics to explore the future of real estate — offering inspiration and practical strategies for navigating an uncertain future.
Watch keynote speaker Priya Jayachandran, CEO of National Housing Trust speak on affordable housing – another critical focus area at the conference. Priya takes an optimistic tone, and focuses on the role of AI and policy in shaping an affordable housing future. She advocates for the adoption of modular housing and the development of software to facilitate the search for affordable housing.
“Venture capital is finally interested in fintech for housing,” says Priya, expressing optimism about the potential for technology to drive innovation in affordable housing solutions. She emphasizes the need for a diverse approach to housing programs that cater to different market segments, highlighting the importance of flexibility and adaptability in addressing the housing shortage.
Read more about Priya’s Keynote in MIT Sloan’s Thinking Forward
For full details on the MIT World Real Estate Forum speakers and sessions, visit: https://www.mitworldreforum.com and WATCH on YouTube.