Samuel Tak Lee Endowed Professor in Real Estate Entrepreneurship and Development
MIT is embarking on a vigorous path of expansion in the field of sustainable real estate development with a special emphasis on China. As part of this effort the institute has received an endowment from Mr. Samuel Tak Lee to fund a special program in real estate entrepreneurship and development and an endowed chair for its professorial leadership. We envision the endowed professor as a distinguished scholar and intellectual leader with an active research portfolio and an interest in entrepreneurship, real estate, and development. An ideal candidate would bridge across disciplines, demonstrate organizational leadership, have a track record of institution building, and connect academic interests to the real estate industry. Special attention will be paid to researchers who are active in housing; real estate finance; real estate economics; the environmental quality of urbanization; building, project and urban-scale energy performance; and socially-responsible real estate investment, design, and entrepreneurship, ideally with a focus in China. The Sam Tak Lee Chair will be a full-time tenured/tenure-track appointment at the assistant, associate, or full professor level, commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications.
The chair is housed in MIT’s Center for Real Estate (CRE) and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) – with the possibility of a dual appointment in another appropriate department. Dedicated to a socially-responsible, technologically-sophisticated, environmentally-sensitive, and culturally-engaging vision of real estate development, CRE and DUSP are uniquely positioned in a large institution that strongly supports innovation and entrepreneurship and is committed to excellence in both pedagogy and research. Believing that the cross-current between the two creates a charged atmosphere for study and a critical edge for research, we seek candidates with an ability to thrive within this context. We would expect candidates to be informed and knowledgeable about, and be able to contribute to, the contemporary debates in their fields. She/he should also be committed to MIT’s efforts in advancing global online educational programs and content at all levels.
For more information about the MIT Center for Real Estate, please visit:
For more information about MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, please visit:
Basic qualifications include a Ph.D. or suitable terminal degree in construction management, real estate development, architecture, civil engineering, finance, economics, business, management, city planning, public policy, or related fields.
A complete application package includes a cover letter, c.v., statement outlining current and future research and teaching interests – including a short description of subjects you prefer to teach, samples of research published by scholarly journals, and the names and contact information of three references. Please do not send materials by email. Applications should be submitted through the interfolio website at:
Review of candidates will begin on April 1, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled.
For technical issues, please contact Interfolio staff 877-997-8807 or
Other questions can be directed to Patricia Nesti:
MIT is committed to building a culturally diverse educational environment; women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
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